
We would like to introduce you to one of our 2021 SuperConnector Mastermind cohorts – Karen Mc Dermott, founder of Serenity Press, MMH Press, KMD Books, and Everything Publishing Academy.

Karen’s passion is to help stories be told and shared through books.  She is a multi-genre author of over 40 books, publisher of over 400, a TEDx Speaker, and mentor to many through her curious magical adventure through life.

When did you start your business?

I started my business in 2014 but became an author in 2010.

What was the inspiration behind starting this business?

I wrote a heart centred novel in the hope to help give people reasoning for uncertainty, but it wasn’t the journey I hoped it would be and I was left deflated and uneducated but I decided to embrace the quote at the front of that book ‘From every negative situation is the potential for a positive outcome’ and did my own research and set up my own publishing company with the intention to help people have a positive publishing journey.

What are you most excited about in your business?

That there is unlimited potential for growth and that every author goes on a journey that up level’s life experience.

What has been the most challenging thing about starting your business?

I love challenges, they mean I am growing. Each challenge is an opportunity to pause, learn something new and take a step up.

What advice would you give to other women thinking about starting a business?

Connections and the right mentors are a very important part of growth. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and trust your inner compass it is there to serve YOU only and rarely is wrong

What do you believe is the secret to success?

Knowing what YOUR definition of success is. We all have a different definition of what success is in our own lives and we need to know what that is for us.

What’s happening next in your business?

Book sales and continued growth is our focus for 2021. We have published so many books, now to get them out far and wide.

What are your big plans for the future?

My BIG plans include my own authorship aspirations. I want my Alchemy of Life Magic Series to hit the market really well in early 2022 and we will film a documentary on it.

Serenity Press will secure a partnership with one of the big five publishers as a division and we will bring in one more shareholder.

MMH Press is where my books and the books of our author-shareholders will go next level in terms of visibility and readership.

KMD Books will continue to publish very important books by Industry leaders, innovators, business owners and thought leaders.

Everything Publishing Academy will have 1000 active authors in our community by 2022 and continued growth afterwards.

To learn more about Karen Mc Dermott, please visit the website, Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram.

The SuperConnector program is an exclusive Mastermind designed for the AusMumpreneur Community.

If you’re interested in being a part of it, contact us at hello@thewomensbusinessschool.com